If you require assistance with your T-Mobile device during non-business hours, please call T-Mobile for Business End User Tech Support at 800-375-1126. We understand that technical issues can occur at any time, and we are committed to providing you with the help you need.
For your convenience, you may be asked to provide a PIN number during your call. Please use PIN number 6428 when prompted.
We appreciate your membership and thank you for choosing FMCA.
Tech Connect Max has both Internet and Phone Plans!
Internet Plan (Limit 3): Get ready for lightning-fast internet with Tech Connect+ MAX! For just $59.99/month, enjoy unlimited data and speeds up to a blazing 380 Mbps on 4G LTE and 5G networks. Stream movies, video chat, and more with coverage across the U.S. and parts of Canada and Mexico. Even if you use over 100GB on busy towers, speeds will return to normal on less crowded ones. Kickstart your adventure with a $39.99 rental fee and stay connected everywhere!
Please note, there is a limit of 5GB of internet usage in Mexico and Canada.
You can use the provided Inseego Mifi X Pro 5G hotspot with the plan, or bring your own hotspot device as long as it's unlocked and can take a SIM card. If you bring your own hotspot device, the $39.99 rental fee is waived. Enjoy the flexibility of using the devices you love!
Phone Plan (Limit 7): We're excited to offer our new "Bring Your Own Phone" plan at an unbeatable price of $19.99 per month per phone! Enjoy unlimited talk and text across the USA, Canada, and Mexico. You'll also get 50GB of internet in the US, and 5GB of internet in Canada and Mexico. All you need is an unlocked phone to get started. Plus, you can easily port your existing phone number from another carrier (except T-Mobile) to enjoy seamless service. Switch to our plan today and experience the convenience and savings!
Stay effortlessly connected with Tech Connect+ Plus! At $59.99/month, enjoy unlimited data with reliable speeds up to 25 Mbps on 4G LTE. Perfect for browsing, emailing, and everyday use, with U.S. coverage. After 100GB, speeds may slow on busy towers but will bounce back on less crowded ones. With a $39.99 rental fee, enjoy stress-free internet on the go!
Save 10% on WiFiRanger products that are designed to boost weak WiFi, add connectivity to cellular LTE networks, tether hotspot devices, secure public networks, and connect all your computers and devices inside your RV.
Save $10 off a MIA Premium Membership to the Mobile Internet Resource Center. MIRC is a community funded resource offering lots of free content with further benefits like discounts, in-depth guides, reviews and guidance for paid premium members. They provide unbiased research, news analysis and education so you can make informed decisions in building your unique mobile internet setup, including FMCA Tech Connect data plans.
Save 15% on CellBooster products. As a SureCall Certified Reseller, CellBooster.us is a trusted partner that offers SureCall's full line of award-winning signal boosters. Defeat cellular dead-zones during cross-country trips and off-the-grid overnight stays.
Save $35 on DISHForMyRV, the first and only provider to offer Pay-As-You-Go TV for RVers and campers. Outfit your RV with all the amenities you enjoy at home, including HDTV!
Save 10% on Winegard products. Turn your dead zones into entertainment zones with secure WiFi and 4G technology more powerful than your smartphone or WiFi device. Stay connected on multiple devices all at once.
If you wish to place your device on suspension, you can do so for up to 90 days within a calendar year, reducing your monthly price plan to $13.99.
*Please note: A minimum suspension period of 30 days is required before the device can be reactivated.
As an FMCA member you can get great deals on technology plans to help you enjoy the RVing lifestyle while still having a reliable connection to your favorite people, activities and entertainment.
To sign up for one of these plans you must have 11 months of FMCA membership remaining. Renew your membership now to take advantage of the plan that works best for you.
RENEW NOWAs an FMCA member you can get great deals on technology plans to help you enjoy the RVing lifestyle while still having a reliable connection to your favorite people, activities and entertainment.
To purchase one of these plans you must have 11 months of FMCA membership remaining. Rejoin FMCA now to take advantage of the plan that works best for you.
REJOIN NOWYou can keep the number you already have from another wireless or landline carrier. Transferring your number, also known as porting, is the process by which you transfer your phone number from one carrier to another. In rare circumstances, if they are unable to transfer a number to our network. This is often because T-Mobile does not have a transfer agreement with the original service provider.
A: The T-Mobile Mobile Hotspot plan is a truly unlimited data plan. T-Mobile does, however, reserve the right to network manage at any point and this can happen in congested areas from time to time.
A: The service is offered only to FMCA members. You must have at least 11 months left of membership through FMCA to order.
A: Yes, video typically streams on a smartphone/tablet at DVD quality (480p).
A: This is a month-to-month plan - you are free to cancel this plan at any time.
A: You are able to temporarily suspend this service and reduce the monthly fee from $59.99 to $13.99. Service may be suspended for at most 3 months over a 12-month period. If you wish to suspend your service, please contact the FMCA office at 800-543-3622.
A: The mobile hotspot is issued to you on a rental basis and must be returned to FMCA if you choose to unenroll or cancel. Reminder, there is a 1-time rental fee of $39.99 charged to your bank account at the time of enrollment, which is non-refundable.
A: To cancel, log into our main website at https://www.fmca.com and then view your Member Profile. Scroll down through your profile to the "Technical Benefit Add-On" section, then find "Tech Connect +" within that section and click the “Cancel” button to begin the cancellation process.
Instructions will be provided as to where to ship the device for return, and a tracking number must be submitted through this form to finalize the cancellation.
(Please note that the cancellation process is available online only).
The device will be returned to FMCA’s T-Mobile Plan Management service at the following address:
FMCA Office
8291 Clough Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45244
The device must be received in its original condition within 15 days of the cancellation date, otherwise you will be charged a $200 fee to cover administrative costs. Additionally, the device must be returned in its original packaging or there will be a $10.00 charge to your account. You are responsible for the shipping cost to return the device to the above address.
A: No, this is a stand-alone plan offered by FMCA. Do not contact T-Mobile directly about this offer.
A: There is a one-year manufacturer's warranty on the device. Please contact FMCA first if you believe you are in need of a replacement.
A: Internet access on this device will work in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
A: Please allow 24-Hours for order processing. Orders that are placed on a weekend day will not be processed until the following Monday.
You will receive your device within 7-10 business days at no charge. You must be present to sign for the package when it arrives.
Your device can be shipped to a mail forwarding address but you will need to take in to consideration the time it takes for your Mail Forwarding Provider to ship the device to you. Depending on your arrangement with your Mail Forwarding Provider, you may incur shipping charges.
Note: We are unable to ship to PO Boxes. Occasionally delays in processing and shipping can occur. FMCA is not responsible for shipping delays and is unable to process prorated refunds for lost service time due to delays in shipping or processing.
A: The device included with this plan is the Inseego Mifi X Pro 5G.
A: Yes. When you do, please contact FMCA to configure the SIM card for you.
A: The AT&T Mobile Hotspot plan is a truly unlimited data plan. AT&T does, however, reserve the right to network manage at any point and this can happen in congested areas from time to time.
The plan being offered through AT&T is a very usable 25 Mbps max speed. The plan is still unlimited data and is truly unlimited. If you have used 100 GBs or more, and you are in a congested area, you may notice reduced speeds because of data prioritization.
A: The service is offered only to FMCA members. You must have at least 11 months left of membership through FMCA to order.
A: The credit card that you use to enroll in the FMCA Tech Connect+ member benefit package, which includes use of a AT&T Device, will be billed on a monthly basis at the rate of $59.99. You will be billed by FMCA and billing begins at the time of enrollment, not activation.
A: This is a month-to-month plan - you are free to cancel this plan at any time.
A: You are able to temporarily suspend this service and reduce the monthly fee from $59.99 to $13.99. Service may be suspended for at most 3 months over a 12-month period. If you wish to suspend your service, please contact the FMCA office at 800-543-3622.
A: The mobile hotspot is issued to you on a rental basis and must be returned to FMCA if you choose to unenroll or cancel. Reminder, there is a 1-time rental fee of $39.99 charged to your credit card at the time of enrollment, which is non-refundable.
A: To cancel, log into our main website at https://www.fmca.com and then view your Member Profile. Scroll down through your profile to the "Technical Benefit Add-On" section, then find "Tech Connect +" within that section and click the “Cancel” button to begin the cancellation process.
Instructions will be provided as to where to ship the device for return, and a tracking number must be submitted through this form to finalize the cancellation.
(Please note that the cancellation process is available online only.).
The device will be returned to FMCA’s AT&T Plan Management service at the following address:
FMCA Office
8291 Clough Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45244
The device must be received in its original condition within 15 days of the cancellation date, otherwise you will be charged a $200 fee to cover administrative costs. Additionally, the device must be returned in its original packaging or there will be a $10.00 charge to your credit card. You are responsible for the shipping cost to return the device to the above address.
A: No, this is a stand-alone plan offered by FMCA. Do not contact AT&T directly about this offer.
A: There is a one-year manufacturer's warranty on the device. Please contact FMCA first if you believe you are in need of a replacement.
A: Internet access is good for use in the U.S. only.
A: Please allow 24-Hours for order processing. Orders that are placed on a weekend day will not be processed until the following Monday.
You will receive your device within 5-7 business days at no charge. You must be present to sign for the package when it arrives.
Your device can be shipped to a mail forwarding address but you will need to take in to consideration the time it takes for your Mail Forwarding Provider to ship the device to you. Depending on your arrangement with your Mail Forwarding Provider, you may incur shipping charges.
Note: We are unable to ship to PO Boxes. Occasionally delays in processing and shipping can occur. FMCA is not responsible for shipping delays and is unable to process prorated refunds for lost service time due to delays in shipping or processing.
A: You will either be shipped the Franklin A-10 or the Moxee.
A: No.
A: Yes. When you do, please contact FMCA to configure the SIM card for you.
A: There is a $10 late fee if the payment has not been paid off within 14 days.
No matter where you go, stay connected.
FMCA has teamed with AT&T to bring its members an outstanding benefit. Your benefit includes 4G LTE as a monthly service. Access to the AT&T mobile hotspot plan is included in the FMCA Tech Connect+ benefit, package-priced at just $59.99 per month, with a one-time rental fee of $39.99 for the mobile hotspot device.
Members must have at least 1 year of active membership remaining to take advantage of this Benefit Package.
The AT&T mobile hotspot will be the connecting factor that makes sharing your experiences on the road with others seamless. Take a piece of traditional home living with you without worrying about data cap limits.
Video chat with family and share life events using reliable AT&T data coverage.
Stay reliably connected with work on the road.
A: No, the router that comes with this plan is required for the plan.
A: This is a month-to-month plan - you are free to cancel this plan at any time.
A: No, you are allowed to use 290GBs/mo with this plan
A: No.
A: The router is issued to you on a rental basis and must be returned to FMCA if you choose to unenroll or cancel. Reminder, there is a 1-time rental fee of $39.99 charged to your credit card at the time of enrollment, which is non-refundable.
A: Your billing for this benefit package will be processed through Automated Clearing House (ACH), which is a secure electronic payment transfer method. With ACH, payments are automatically withdrawn from your designated bank account according to the billing cycle. This streamlined process ensures timely payments and eliminates the need for manual intervention, providing you with convenience and peace of mind regarding your billing arrangements.
A: Yes, video typically streams on a smartphone/tablet at DVD quality (480p).
A: No, the router that comes with this plan is required for the plan.
A: This is a month-to-month plan - you are free to cancel this plan at any time.
A: No, you are allowed to use 290GBs/mo with this plan
A: The mobile hotspot is issued to you on a rental basis and must be returned to FMCA if you choose to unenroll or cancel. Reminder, there is a 1-time rental fee of $39.99 charged to your bank account at the time of enrollment, which is non-refundable.
A: To cancel, log into our main website at https://www.fmca.com and then view your Member Profile. Scroll down through your profile to the "Technical Benefit Add-On" section, then find "Tech Connect +" within that section and click the “Cancel” button to begin the cancellation process.
Instructions will be provided as to where to ship the device for return, and a tracking number must be submitted through this form to finalize the cancellation.
(Please note that the cancellation process is available online only).
The device will be returned to FMCA’s T-Mobile Plan Management service at the following address:
FMCA Office
8291 Clough Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45244
The device must be received in its original condition within 15 days of the cancellation date, otherwise you will be charged a $200 fee to cover administrative costs. Additionally, the device must be returned in its original packaging or there will be a $10.00 charge to your account. You are responsible for the shipping cost to return the device to the above address.
A member exclusive benefit providing unlimited talk, text, and data that runs off the T-Mobile network. No contracts included.
Unlimited talk, text, and data. 5GB of high-speed mobile hotspot data - Unlimited 3G speed Smartphone Mobile Hotspot after 5GB. Scam Shield, free Caller ID, Turn on Scam Block, free PROXY by DIGITS line.
You are eligible for up to 8 T-Mobile lines through the Family Motor Coach Association Member Cellular Benefit Plan. If you submit more than one order it will be declined.
No. The device you are currently using with have T-Mobile service but will not come with a T-Mobile or 3rd party warranty or insurance program. The device ownership is solely the owner of the device.
No. This plan is only available by placing an order on this site. If you go into a store or call T- Mobile, they will not recognize this offer nor will be able to assist you.
The device purchase needs to be unlocked and compatible on the T-Mobile (GSM) network. Click this link (https://www.t-mobile.com/resources/bring-your-own-phone) and enter your device’s IMEI number to verify Compatibility (dial *#06# to get your phone’s IMEI).
Yes! However, when you move your phone to T-Mobile, you will accelerate those charges on the closing/last invoice of your account. We recommend you call your service provider to confirm the remaining payments before signing up for this plan.
Each carrier has a different way to unlock a device. Please contact your current carrier’s customer service to discover how to unlock your specific device.
In almost all cases, YES! Go to this site to make sure your phone number is eligible to port over to T-Mobile. (It is rare, but a phone number may not be eligible to port if T-Mobile does not have coverage in the same area code as your current phone number)In almost all cases, YES! Go to this site to make sure your phone number is eligible to port over to T-Mobile. (It is rare, but a phone number may not be eligible to port if T-Mobile does not have coverage in the same area code as your current phone number)
First, check your eligibility. Second, contact your current service provider and do the following: Request a Porting Pin / Password (needed to move your number over.) Some accounts may require a Temporary Port Out PIN. Some accounts may require the general account PIN/Passcode. Confirm your device is unlocked and can be ported to another service provider. Request the removal of any blocks or requirements on your accounts so you can port. Ensure all balances are paid to your current service provider. Now you can start the transition to your new account.
A porting PIN is used by some carriers as an extra layer to ensure a device and/or a phone number is intending to leave its network. A porting PIN is ONLY used when a device and/or a phone number is moving to another carrier. A porting PIN is typically 6 or 8 digits and is only valid for a short period of time.
This is different from your account PIN, which used almost exclusively when you interact with the carrier’s customer service department to prove you are who you say you are. Account PIN’s are typically 4 digits long and do not change unless you decide to change it.
Every carrier is different and there are several variables to consider. A good rule is to wait until you have written confirmation that your phone number has been successfully ported to T-Mobile. If you cancel your current service before that happens, we may not be able to access your current phone number for porting.
Yes, follow the cancellation instructions provided on https://fmca.hyperionportal.com.
This is a bring-your-own-device plan. Unfortunately, if your equipment is broken, you will have to replace it yourself.
Submit a support ticket explaining your situation and requesting a new SIM on https://fmca.hyperionportal.com.
Currently, any member who has an existing T-Mobile voice plan is not eligible to move their current plan onto the FMCA voice plan.
Email Support: techconnect@fmca.com
Call Support: (800) 543-3622 or (513) 474-3622
Thank you for selecting Tech Connect+ Max as your plan of choice!
To sign up with Tech Connect+ Max, you must proceed to the Hyperion portal and make sure you have your FMCA membership information. Before you do, please read the instructions and notes below:
Bring Your Own Device for Cellphone and Hotspot
Members will be responsible for verifying and/or ‘unlocking’ their current devices for use on the carrier network (carriers such as T-Mobile provide a verification tool that can be linked on the Customer Member Form: https://www.t-mobile.com/resources/bring-your-own-phone).
Hyperion Terms and Condition
Please read Hyperion's terms and conditions carefully when you checkout through the Hyperion portal. You are creating an agreement with Hyperion - our fulfillment partner - and it covers important information such as cancellations, changes and payments.
Signups for the Tech Connect+ plan offered through FMCA are currently unavailable due to maintenance. Please check back again later for an update.
Note: New password cannot contain spaces or special characters like !@#$%^&*(), and must be at least 5 characters in length.
Password Updated
Every member of FMCA, as defined in the Bylaws, accepts and agrees that a condition of said membership is the obligation to abide by the FMCA Member Code of Ethics and the other rules and standards of this organization, which represent all our endeavors to be good neighbors, careful and responsible recreational vehicle owners and operators, and good citizens of our communities.
Consistent adherence to the FMCA Member Code of Ethics is desired and required of every member, in order that the actions of all members may reflect favorably upon each other and upon FMCA; and thereby earn the confidence and respect of the public and its acceptance of FMCA and all its members.
FMCA Member Personal Responsibilities:
Therefore, recognizing that the public will judge all recreational vehicle owners by their individual actions, all members of FMCA, as well as its employed personnel, are enjoined to honor and comply with the FMCA Member Code of Ethics.
FMCA's 101st International Convention and RV Expo in Tucson, Arizona, March 26 through 29, 2020, is set to proceed as scheduled. FMCA will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation, and if local officials deem that we must cancel the event, we will alert members using every communication method we have at our disposal. Association leaders are encouraging attendees to consult reliable sources regarding COVID-19 and to educate themselves about the virus; assess their personal situation; and make their own educated decision about attending. On March 5, 2020, FMCA sent a communication to attendees and provided them links to the CDC website and the Arizona Department of Health website. If you have registered and decide not to attend, please send your cancellation request to cancel@fmca.com.
With recent health concerns related to COVID-19, FMCA has been asked for a waiver or release from liability that could be used for FMCA rallies. Rally organizers and attendees are welcome to use this release. The health and safety of FMCA members remains our priority, and we encourage you to check with the rally facility and/or hosts to see whether the rally is still scheduled as planned.
Please download the waiver before registering.
As an FMCA member, you will receive an antitheft decal in your New Member Kit. You are encouraged to affix it to a window in your RV.
The antitheft decal program is sponsored by FMCA in an effort to maintain security of members' vehicles.
FMCA offers a key return program for the members. FMCA logo keychains are available for purchase through our online store at fmca.com. If your lost keys are found with the FMCA logo keychain attached, the keys can be dropped in any mailbox and postage is guaranteed to send the keys to our National Office located in Cincinnati, Ohio.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but the FMCA Forums are temporarily unavailable as we work to integrate the Forums with our new internal database. We hope to have everything back up very soon and thank you for your patience and understanding.